Friday, May 29, 2009

I might lose a mate over this.

I've only met Simon Bedak, Esq., cattle baron, the once. He is a great one for spruiking the benefits and flavour of beef! and I agree with him wholeheartedly, I love a hunk of bleeding beef on my plate.

However the move to large animals at Lantanaland is going to start with ........ sheep. There is a reason for this. I can get a few dorper cross lambs for fifty bucks, whereas a nice angus jersey cross will set me back at least $200.

Don't get me wrong, I really want a cow. It will give me an excuse to go do that cheese course I've been lusting over. It will provide me with lots of tasty dairy products and rib fillets.

I've just never kept or had good contact with someone who's kept animals for meat and sheep seem like an easy way to start. Docile and easy animals for docile and clueless beginners if you like.

So unless squire Bedak can convince me, shotgun in hand, that I should go head first and get a cow, soon Lantanaland will have two sheep.

Oh and a happy birthday to one of my mates for yesterday, Kerri-anne. You might have to wait six months for your present Kerri, but I promise, the first few dozen pure white eggs I get are yours.

Lantanaland from the iPhone


  1. Thanks Beeso - I'm excited already!!!

  2. Maybe send Kerri-Anne some chops instead - Dorper lamb is tasty.

  3. We had a sheep once. Can't remember why exactly, but somebody didn't want a sheep anymore and we had a hectare of land.

    We only had the sheep for about six months - it was very lonely and used to bleat all the time. It was OK if you went to play with it, but once you left, it just cried. It was very sad.

    My parents eventually gave it to one of the local vets, who had a hobby farm somewhere.

    Well, at least that's what I was led to believe... who knows.

    At any rate, you should be fine with two sheep. They seem like quite lovely pets, as long as they've got company.

    Best of luck!

  4. We had sheep! And cows! And pigs!

    I vote for the cow because there is more you can do with them. And I think they have more love to give (you know, before you eat them).

    Although maybe sheep are a good stepping stone. But they don't do much. And they do make a lot of noise. And if you get sheep, don't let them have lambs because you might not be able to eat lamb for a few years then...mind you, you managed to kill those cute ducks and scoff them down so on second thoughts, you should be fine...
